Turf a Bit Longer … It’s a Good Thing!

Keep your turf longer in the Summer, it's better!

The heat is on in the Westchester/ Fairfield county area.

It’s no secret that August is a time of 90+ degree temperatures and humidity. That combination not only stresses people, but turf as well.

GrassLengthProperty managers and facility directors value a uniform, dense and green stand of turf on their commercial sites. Often, the turf component of the overall landscape is the largest and most noticeable portion of the landscape.

To protect your turf during the dog days of summer, ELM raises our mower decks to cut the turf at height of 3.5 inches or more. Why? A higher cut lawn is more stress tolerant. The taller grass blades provide more shade at the ground surface, keeping this critical plant zone a bit cooler. A longer grass blade also helps photosynthesize more, strengthening the root zone during the heat stress of summer.

All together, this mowing process adds up to a highly sustainable practice to insure your turf performs as well as possible as August temperatures climb. Contact us at 203.316.5433 to learn more.