In today’s world, the best athletes have a rigorous off season training program to be fully ready for the competition of game time. It’s the same thing for our snow services team. Even though winter is three to four months out, ELM is honing our skills and improving our operational models.
ELM Area Manager, Peter Bezzini has just earned his ASM Credential from Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA). Peter’s ASM – Advanced Snow Manager – Credential is the fruition of his studies and successful testing in four individual courses – Core Principles, Plowing Operations, Sidewalk Operations and Ice Management. Fulfilling the requirements of each course merits the ASM designation.
Peter shares “it was eye opening training for me. The budgets and especially the risk and liability factors associated with snow and ice services are significant for our clients. Every event is different; timing, amounts, frozen precipitation all mean we must pre- plan for and execute several site specific snow plans to have our properties open and safe in a timely fashion.”
He adds “SIMA has done a great job in assembling best practices and processes. I’m looking forward to integrating these into ELM’s approach and continuing to improve on our long standing reputation for excellence in snow removal in Fairfield and Westchester Counties.”
Over the next few weeks, Peter will be leading training sessions for our team members as ELM prepares for the upcoming winter. It’s part of our “off season” training to be the best.