There’s no doubt that the heavy snows and severe cold temperatures have taken a toll on commercial properties and landscapes throughout Fairfield and Westchester counties. With temperatures starting to moderate in March, it’s the perfect time to initiate a plan-of-action to get your commercial property ready for spring, starting with a walk-through and complete assessment of your property.
While remaining ice and mounds of snow may still be prevalent, it shouldn’t be a distraction from the tasks at hand. Instead, follow these three steps for preparing your site for spring.
Spring Prep Task #1:
First and foremost are the items that can be seen while the snow piles are still melting. Property and facility managers will need to check the conditions of hardscapes, walkaways roads and parking lots. Surfaces may have heaved creating a trip hazard; while roads or lots may have a few potholes. Look up to see if tree limbs have been broken or compromised by heavy snows creating a safety hazard.
Spring Prep Task #2:
In a couple of weeks, based on the March warm-up, a second walk-through will pin down damage to shrubs and ground cover. Are branches broken by heavy snow piles? Will pruning suffice – or should replacements be considered? Evergreens exposed to this winter’s winds and severe temps may need a liquid fertilization with micro-nutrients to return to them back to health.
Spring Prep Task #3:
By mid–to-end of March, we will be able to see all the turf areas. Undoubtedly, between snow, salt and the harsh temperatures, turf damage will be evident, creating a need for either seed or sod repair plan.
Ready to put this plan into action? An experienced hand can help you see, list and deliver the repairs and the results your landscape requires this spring. As a single-source provider of commercial landscape management services, our seasoned property managers are readily available to facility managers to play a key role in helping you navigate the critical spring kick off. Contact us today.