It is that time of the year. The wind starts to blow and the leaves start to fall. Every fall, many hours are spent making your site look better, but at the same time you are thinking about ways to maintain your property and be sustainable.
Why mulch your leaves?
The leaves will be chopped with a mower into tiny little pieces and then worms and microorganisms will finish the job by recycling them. This is more efficient because there will be less pressure on landfill, the carbon footprint will be reduced, and with ELM propane mowers will do the job!
What is the benefit of it?
Save money and time
Mulching is faster and easier. The decomposing leaves will act as a natural fertilizer. Then, the leaves will reduce the amount and expense of fertilizer needed to achieve greener grass in the spring.
Save your grass
The decomposing leaves will act as a nutrient and improve your soil; your grass will grow better and by spring it will look greener than ever!
Provide your landscape with a fresh look and be sustainable. ELM will work closely with you to deliver a sustainable solution that makes the most sense for your site and budget!