Just around the corner, it will be time to turn the clocks back. The nights are getting much cooler and the leaves are dropping.
This is also the perfect time to install bulbs for next spring’s color display. After a long winter, tulips and daffodils are a welcome signal spring is on its way. With a wide range of colors to select from, bulbs are great way to accent signage, create visual interest near building entries and enliven outdoor employees’ areas in corporate and commercial properties.
Here in the Fairfield and Westchester county area, daffodils and tulips are the go to choice for many property and facility managers. Let’s take a deeper look at what may at first seem to be a narrow choice. Daffodil colors range in white, cream, and yellow and can come with orange highlights. Tulips offer purple, red, pink, yellow, white and orange. Tulips may also be a mix of color within each bloom, for instance yellow with orange highlights or pink with white. Add in a range of heights from 8 to 20 inches, along with bloom variation from early to mid to late spring and the possibilities quickly expand.
How to best move forward? If yours is a suburban landscape, the presence of deer narrows the choice to daffodils unless the plants are sprayed often with deer repellant. For urban landscapes the full range of choice and combinations is yours.
Let Eastern Land Management help you make the best bulb choices for spring color in your landscape. Our experienced area managers will work closely with you to create colorful and functional bulb displays. We are confident the bulbs planted now will bring you vibrant spring color…and compliments. The visual impact of your landscape will certainly spring ahead.