ELM recently conducted a survey to better understand your perception of our performance and we are pleased at the solid results our team received when it comes to meeting and exceeding your expectations.
Really listening to what you tell us about our service and quality drives ELMs culture of continuous improvement. It’s what we call “crawling behind our customers’ eyes” – or seeking to understand and improve our business from your point of view.
According to the results, we learned that you appreciate how we care for your landscape and that we are easy to work with. That’s a tribute to our terrific team of employees who are dedicated to our core values and dedicated to the customers who are at the center of all we do.
We also learned that ELM is a “solid, reputable organization with great values and people,” and that we have a “great staff, forward thinking strategies and very professional service!”
However, as pleasing as those results are, we know that there is plenty of room for us to do better.
All of us on the ELM leadership team know that you, our customers, are integral to our continued success. We have cared about what you think for more than 40 years and will continue to care for at least 40 more.
Thank you for participating in our survey and helping us stay out in front of the issues that matter most.
To learn more, go to: www.easternland.com or contact Bruce Moore @ 203.316.5433.
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