Commercial Irrigation Management by ELM

Love Thy Lawn: In Honor of National Lawn Care Month, Follow these Tips

America loves its lawns, and after a long, cold winter, in the Northeast there’s no doubt that our landscapes need a little TLC. As spring is here, it’s time to swap the snow blower for the lawn mower. And, with April being National Lawn Care Month, it’s as good a time as any to take the proper steps to correct winter’s damage for lush, greener grass ahead.

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Assess and repair Winter plant damage

Why it’s Time to Revitalize Your Landscape: Assess and Repair Winter Plant Damage

At last, winter is in the rear view mirror. As far as the weather was concerned, most of the focus was the onslaught of the second half of winter, with nearly as much snow in a six-week window as compared to entire snowfall amount from the previous winter.

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